Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

New big bed... they love each other.

20 second clip... They dont like each other!!!! LOL EXCUSE all the bark chips from the flower bed!!!

Btw... top pic is Ariel now Baby
bottom pic is Snickerdoodle now Buddy


Snickerdoodle and Ariel Update again! 
Snickerdoodle now Buddy and Ariel now Baby are doing fantastic! Jerry had a fundraiser donation for his birthday for us on Facebook. He messaged me this: $360 was my fund total I think. 
Hope you guys received it. Not knowing how these things work out exactly. 
I’m sure you Guys will put it to good use. 
I’m Still talking my daughter into “walking” your isles. She’s thinking about a second little one.
Sooo much love (snooker)... Buddy!
The ultimate “LOVER!” I think I got 5K plus kisses from her yesterday!!!
And a great start on kisses today!
Ariel... “Baby!”
I messaged him thank you and told him how grateful we are that he chose our non profit for his birthday donations. He said this: Thanks Elizabeth. I thank you so much for what you and your crew are doing for these babies. I only wish I could do more!