Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Luna Lou

Little Luna has come a long way in only one week! We live in an apartment and she has already adjusted to going outside (after a few nights of waking up at 4am at first) and a new routine. She has picked up a sneeze, most often when we come back from inside and the dog run, but what we planned to get checked out at the vet this week. Luna is endlessly loving, the best little cuddler, and hasn't been shy meeting our friends or their dogs. Best of all, the reason we wanted to adopt a second dog, she and our first-born pup Bilbo (also adopted from AZSDR! Then called Andy) are hitting it off wonderfully, playing all day long and sleeping together on our bed at night. We are SO happy! - she is an angel and the perfect fit to our family! Thank you for bringing her to us and thank you for all you do!