Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

She is absolutely the best!! She warmed up immediately and is sooo happy. She's enjoying late night and early morning walks, loves to play, loves to cuddle, loves car rides with us, and is SUCH a good listener!

We will be starting group training classes next week and then following that we will start agility classes. We could not have found the more perfect dog for our family!

I tried to attach pics and cannot for some reason but will try again. We have so many adorable ones!!

My only question is, we had her nails trimmed ar the vet and it was a huge challenge. She screamed the whole way through and they didn't even get to all of her nails. I'm wondering if someone there did any nail trims on her and might have any advice? 

Thanks again so much. She is going to have an amazing life ahead and we are so grateful we found her!!



Thanks so much! I've been working on densinsitizing her to the nail dremel (and to tooth brushing). She's already come a long way and is allowing us to do both!


I'm attaching a few pics as well now that my email is allowing it. 


Also, I wish I would have gotten thr name of the woman who we worked with during our three visits. She was absolutely fantastic. If you know who that was, please tell her we are so grateful and that Karamel is very loved. :)