Animal Success Stories
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Hi there.

Shacka is doing ok and eating. Only hot dogs, she will not eat dog food you sent. Her mouth is still too sore.
 Still so shy and cries a lot and last night she cried all night.
She misses her sister.  She will not train at all on the leash, I don’t know how to train her on that issue.
She will not potty outside even when I walk her thirty minutes.
I am really trying, but don’t know how it is going to go.
She is happy only when I hold her. She will follow me walking on the artificial grass, not in the house.
She runs to her crate and I have to physically take her out.
She is starting to smell better at I have used baby wipes to bath her.  She is still shedding a lot.
Hope this isn’t too depressing :)
Will keep you posted.