Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Oscar Wilde

Hello! Things are going so well! We adore Oscar and he seriously is the best! He is already comfortable in the house and has found his spots: in the center of the condo (where he can see into the bedrooms and all of the common areas) and he loves his new  kennel pad.... we don’t love the kennel yet but we are warming up! 
We already see some things that need working on like riding in the car (he gets so scared! We have a mini crate and that for sure has helped him feel more secure. He gets very afraid while we are walking when big trucks pass by too.) as well as walking on a leash... Both very fixable things! He is slowly but surely eating more which is great as well. We realize he has a soft bite and may need to look into softer food options :). For now a tiny bit of water on the dry food is helping! 
He has already made fast friends with my parent’s Portuguese Water Dog. He has begun to wag his tail more and more and is starting to get very comfortable. We love him and are so happy to have found him!