Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

Cece is doing very well. She’s happy with a tight curl in her tail most of the time. She sits on the sofa in the family room while we watch television and sleeps in bed with my wife. She has a pillow under my desk in my den where she spends time when I’m in there. She has a rug in my wife’s den and spends time in there with her. She’s eating well and I take her for about a ¾ mile walk at 5am after I feed her. She went to our vet this morning (Pa radise Point Animal Hospital) and they found her in good shape other than she needs to lose weight. We will take a urine specimen from her in the next day so that the Vet can establish a baseline reading. Both we and our vet cannot quite figure our why Cece was prescribed Hill’s c/d dog food. Hence the urine sample collection. Cece will get her first bath and haircut from our groomer (Amber @ Second Home Pet Resort) this Friday. Cece is a wonderful dog and we are thrilled with her!

Emery & Mary Elle


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