Animal Success Stories
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Hi Elizabeth,

Lupita is doing fantastic. She is getting along with our three other dogs and enjoying life around the house. She has gotten in so well that she has been able to sleep on top of the other dogs at time (they are a little bigger than her). I work from home pretty much every day and she sleeps on the bed next to me all day while I work. At night she is either cuddled up to my wife, or myself as she sleeps there through the night. In the mornings I take her in and put her in my daughters crib, she walks up to my daughter and licks her in the face until she wakes up, its rather adorable. All of the photos I have of Lupita are on my phone and I am sending this on my computer. When I get a few moments I will send some updated pictures to you and can continue to do so as long as you would like. Let me know if you have any questions. 

Ryan M. Calhoun